born date: 26.02.2018.
HDA, ED0, OCD free
after the parents: CYS & CTP FREE, MD N/N, DM N/N
D-Locus D/D
Mother: Avalon Carpathian Valley
Father: Estike-Bérczy Baileys
Austrian Landseer Club Baby Winner
Hungarian Molosser Club / MMKE Puppy Winner
Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner
Slovak Junior Winner
Hungarian Junior Champion
MMKE Junior Club Winner
European Dog show 2019: V2, res. CACA
Champion of Serbia
Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Derby Winner, Best Derby Winner in Landseer breed
Champion of Romania
Hungarian Show Champion
Viharsarok Winner
Hungarian Grand Champion
24.05.2019 on the Breeding exam, he got the breeding male result!